Parish Life
Pastoral Ministries
For more information on the following,
contact 909-883-3991
Finance Board
Parish Council
Liturgy Council
Visitation of the Sick
Ministerio de los enfermos
Scripture Study Group
Catholic Daughters of America
Morning 12 Step
ICUC Family Ministry
ICUC Ministerio de Familia
For more information on the following,
contact 909-883-3991
Altar Servers/Monaguillos
Arts & Environment/Ambiente
Eucharistic Ministry/Ministerio Eucarístico
Eucharistic Ministry to the Sick
Children's Liturgy English/Spanish
Liturgical Ministries
Catechetical Ministries
For more information on the following,
contact 909-883-3991
R.I.C.A. Español
Youth Group - x20
Baptism Preparation/
Preparación Bautismal - x20 -
Marriage Preparation/
Preparación de Matrimonios -
Religious Education/Educación Religioso - x15
Bible Class/Clase de Biblia
Holy Rosary Academy
Holy Rosary Academy provides a Christ centered Catholic education which helps students achieve academic success, moral responsibility and spiritual growth in order to become Life-Long Learners. Enrollment: Preschool - 8th grade
Phone: (909) 886-1088